Ravensbourne University London

Ravensbourne is an innovative, industry-focused university located next to the world-famous O2 in London’s Design District. 

A community of circa 4,500 students, we offer practically focused digital media and design courses at pre-degree, undergraduate, postgraduate, and professional short-course levels.  

Driven by industry standards and supported by the latest high-performance technology, we produce highly employable and enterprising graduates, with a strong track record in graduate employability and business creation.  

Alongside our student community, we also host more than 100 creative technology businesses that utilize our cutting-edge technologies and media resources and provide collaboration opportunities for our student body and industry partners.

Ravensbourne has been awarded a silver rating in the Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF) 2023, in recognition of our 'very high' to 'outstanding' student outcomes and 'high quality' student experience.

Address 6 Penrose Way, Greenwish Peninsula, London, SE10 0EW View on Map
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Upcoming Open Days at Ravensbourne University London


June Open Day Event 2024 - Further Education,Undergraduate & Postgraduate

15 Jun 2024, 11:00 AM - 15 Jun 2024, 16:00 PM Ravensbourne University London, 6 penrose way, SE10 0EW
Book Open Day
During our Open Days you’ll be able to: Find out about all our further education, undergraduate and postgraduate courses. Meet some of our staff and ask them any questions you may have about Ravensbourne. Connect with our current students and ask them questions about studying and life at Ravensbourne. Find out key information from the Admissions team, including guidance on the application process. Hear from the Student Services team, with advice on accommodation, financing your studies, support and learning needs. See exciting student work on display.

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